Today is the best day of your life.

Now,right in this moment is all that is real, that is promised. Life is so much better when we are able to live in the moment. The silver lining (because there always is one) in the pandemic we are living through is that it has made me slow down and be grateful for all my moments. I look on each day as a gift. Even though I can’t give my grandbaby hugs or kisses I can still take walks with him. We have been watching the resident geese at our neighborhood pond grow up and Beau and Annie are also getting lots of exercise.

Larry and I have become bird watchers and get so excited every time we see the bluebirds or golden finches in our yard. We saw 2 bunnies playing leap frog a few days ago and we thought how amazing to have witnessed that joy. We miss all of our friends but know it will be one fabulous celebration when we can all be together again. So whatever you are doing today, I hope it is the best day of your life!