The journey Begins…

A few years ago I was feeling a bit restless as a empty nester. My husband and I had been running a very successful and well respected fine art portrait business for the past 20 years. . If you lived in the triangle that time you probably heard of us at some time…Kim Crenshaw Photography.

We had a huge beautiful home with incredible gardens but I was feeling the need to create on a big scale again. Larry wanted to downsize and move to the islands, but believe it or not I knew that I would get bored living in paradise 365 days a year. About this time I happened to pull into the drive of this stateley but VERY RUNDOWN old home in Sanford. I immediately saw all the possibilities. My whole family thought I was crazy!

Fast forward 2 years and we are seeing a new project being born. After virtually rebuilding a 3 story home and Larry putting his magic touch on the 2 acres we sit on we are getting ready to open Greengate Manor, a wedding and event venue! We are so excited to share this beautiful place to help create your perfect day!